DIY: Narrow Wall Shelves and Recycled Notepad

Staring at a blank wall while trying to study is no fun, your favourite lever arch folder is broken, and you have a couple of spare wood pieces lying about. Why not take a study break and redecorate the room! This office set up makes use of those spare and broken pieces to brighten up a little study area.


You will need:


Removable wall adhesives

  • Narrow wood blocks (ours just happened to be lying around)
  • Lever-arch folder
  • Removable wall adhesives
  • Shelf support/bracket
  • Blu-tac
  • (This design can be removed without damage to the wall. If you are wanting something permanent, go ahead and put in some nails!)


Now, it is as simple as this:

  • Stick your narrow wood shelves in position on the wall using the removable wall adhesive
  • Add support by using blu-tac to stick the shelf bracket to the wood and the wall
  • Cut the back and front off your lever-arch folder (ours was already broken)
    • Turn so the lever arch is on the top
    • Hole punch some blank sheets of paper and attach
    • Use removable wall adhesive to stick your new notepad on the wall
    • The other side of our broken folder had a plastic pouch – we just placed a drawing in it and used it for decoration
  • Decorate your shelves!
    • Note: As these were only narrow shelves with no permanent mounting, we kept our shelf objects lightweight and scant.  With more permanent mounting, you could place heavier objects, and more of them!



Moonlit Black

MOONLIT BLACK  (Digital, 2016)

2016 Moonlit Black

The full moon waded between darkening shades of blue. Perfectly round, with its aura of reflected sunlight, I watched it rise and fall behind the clouds. I finished late at work that day, and dropped by the supermarket on the way home. As I placed the bags in the car, I gazed up once more and caught this sight – the illuminating glow of the moon, framed by pitch dark clouds. The reflected light wove its way through the texture of the clouds and I was reminded of something.

[Matthew 27:45-46, 50-51] – “Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?’ that is, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’ …
… And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split…”

The hour of Jesus’ death was a dark hour – literally, and spiritually. Imagine how His mother, His disciples, and His friends would have felt at the hour of His death. Imagine how Christ would have felt with the weight of every sin laid upon His shoulders – all man’s burdens past, present and future. In this moment, Christ the Son of God experienced separation from God. Yet, only for a time.

Three days later, He rose from the grave. In His resurrection, Jesus showed that He had conquered death and created a way for man to be reunited with God in eternity. He cleansed all of our sins, and clothed us with His life. The veil was torn so that anyone who believed in Christ could be cleaned, made holy, and enter the presence of God. In His death and resurrection, Christ made a way for us to dwell with God for eternity.

[John 1:4-5] – “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”

Have you seen the light of Christ? Have you experienced the life He gives?