Wonder (poem); a letter for our children

| Poetry | Digital Art | PaintTool | Parenthood | Faith |

Our growing little sweetpeas,
There is wonder in your eyes.
It looks like coloured joyfulness
Reminiscent of butterflies.
Just as they, with timely readiness,
Emerge from beaded chrysalis;
The times you wait, hidden away,
Are not wasted but glorious.

You have purpose, you have calling;
God made you for this time.
And if you ever feel you’re falling,
Look up and grace you’ll find.
Yes, look up as Grandpa says,
Eternity is our home.
Each task and talent, blessing and bind
Is given to us on loan.

You are God’s child, loved perfectly,
Tethered to His heart.
There’s nothing that can take that away,
His love always surrounds.
This earth might deal you challenges,
Tears and admonition,
But no-one else can judge your heart;
So let God heal and fill it.

Your Grandma sees how all we have
Is worthy in God’s eyes.
Don’t be afraid to let Him
Turn your weaknesses to might.
Mummy too has seen first-hand
Our God’s transforming power.
It might be small, imperfect, unthought
Yet still God’s blessing can be brought.

If it seems that no-one cares,
If everything seems lacking;
Remember God does not forget
And He knows what is happening.
Daddy has many stories to tell,
Of unknown future blessings.
Trust God and trust His perfect timing,
He’ll surprise with testimony.

Many a person you will meet,
All with both goodness and flaws.
Have courage in Christ, speak graceful words,
Listen, build up and forgive.
Take time to pause in busyness,
Take time to sit and pray.
Talking with God will refresh mind and vision,
Remind us we are who He says.

Keep that wonder in your eyes,
That praises the Maker of all;
That looks at the vastness of sea and sky,
And remembers omniscient God.
Worship with unbridled honesty;
There’s nothing unknown to God.
Give up every emotion and uncertainty.
Just be nestled in His love.

All have fallen, all have sinned
But this is the greatest gift.
Grace, mercy and eternal life
Though Jesus, son of God.
These are the things we pass on to you
As you grow and live your lives.
The greatest protection, the key to joy,
Knowing and following Christ.

The Way We Sleep (Digital Art)

| Sleeping with our toddler | Mummy and Me | PaintTool | Digital Artwork | Baby |

There have been sleepless nights, restless nights, nights of many changed positions, but mummy and daddy have loved every snuggle and cuddle with our little sweetpea. One day she will grow up and we may no longer snuggle like this, but at least we will have something to remember those very special times of sleeping all together. ❤

Australian Bird Cards

| Digital Art | Australian Birds | PaintTool |

Our little toddlepie loves birds! As a result, we have been much more aware of the many varieties of birdlife around our area, and I have been appreciating the intricacies and beauty of all the different species. It reminds me of this passage in Matthew chapter 6:

“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:26)

The passage goes on to describe that if God so beautifully clothes the lilies and the grass of the field, how much more will He clothe us. It is a reminder to me of God’s comforting love over us, His protection, and the way He sees each one of us as wonderfully and beautifully made.

I really enjoyed creating these Australian bird cards, paying attention to the wing shapes, eyes, colours and patterns unique to each bird; and was even happier to see toddlepie try to feed them 😀

The List (poem)

Tick, tick, tick
Done, to do and not yet.
Pick, and stick to it
It is no easy feat.

Priorities knocking
Time is a ticking
There’s not enough of that.

Drip, drip, drip
Goes our energy tap.
Try not to slip,
But fatigue sets in.

Pray, look up,
Heavenly Father hears.
It’s not too late,
We can have a clean slate.

Wait on the Lord,
Have courage, don’t fear.
The list dwindles down,
Lost, and now found.



Snippets of Love

| Art | Photography | Illustrated Word | God’s Love | Malachi 1:2 | Psalm 36:5 |

“You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes…”
(Lyrics from “Your Love Never Fails” by Jesus Culture)

We grow, we age, we fall and get up again. The world changes, our relationships change, but one thing will always remain steady and faithful; that is God’s unfailing, ever-abundant love for us.

God loves us so much and reveals His love to us in so many different ways! These are just two reminders I have had recently of His great love!

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A Gift and Response (Malachi 1:2)

I made this piece for an art challenge where the brief was to use a limited palette and to draw inspiration from a random Bible verse. When I flipped the pages of my Bible, I landed on Malachi 1:2. I almost bailed on the challenge as the book of Malachi is full of rebuke! However, as I read the passage again and began to draw, I found myself astounded by the patient persistence of God’s invitation for us to receive His love.

While there is a lot of rebuke in the book of Malachi, it begins with a word from God and Israel’s response to it. God has loved Israel and God has loved us. There are so many testimonies that remind us of this – for example, personal experiences, the accounts written in the Bible, the way nature works and the beauty of it. God loves extravagantly, faithfully and unconditionally. What a gift He has given us in His love!

How do we respond to God’s love? Do we doubt it, ignore it, take it for granted or receive it with thanksgiving? Perhaps instead of challenging, “How have you loved us?”, we could ask, “God, show me the height, depth, and width of your great love!”

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Sheltered by God’s Love (Psalm 36:5)

I took this photo at a nearby park and was reminded of words from Psalm 36:

“Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies.” [Psalm 36:5]

The other night, I found myself wide awake in bed, thinking through the years of life I have enjoyed on earth so far. There were joyful times, sad times, challenging times and many other memories. Through it all, God was there. I found myself thanking him for His grace, for His mercy, for His protection, and for growing my understanding of His love!

In my weakness, God is my strength. In my fear, He is my confidence. In my doubt, He is my security. Above all, His love is the reason for my hope. Though I fall, I remember that my life is hidden with Christ. He loves me, He loves you, He loves us all. I want to grow each day in understanding more of God’s love!

Cory Asbury’s “Reckless Love” declares this chorus:

“Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
Oh, it chases me down, fights ’til I’m found, leaves the ninety-nine
And I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t deserve it. still You give Yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God.”